Sen. Huizenga: Grand Rapids woman’s preventable death illustrates need to enforce laws

Sen. Huizenga: Grand Rapids woman’s preventable death illustrates need to enforce laws

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Mark Huizenga, R-Walker, issued the following statement on Thursday in response to the death of Ruby Garcia, a 25-year-old Grand Rapids woman who was found shot to death along U.S. 131 last week and whose alleged killer is reportedly an illegal immigrant with a prior arrest record:

“Like thousands of people across West Michigan, I am saddened and shocked by the senseless death of a young member of our community just starting the prime of her life. As the parents of children roughly the same age as Ruby, my wife and I are heartbroken for her family.

“Part of what makes Ruby’s death so difficult to comprehend is that it was preventable. Considering that the killer was here illegally and had multiple arrests in his past, this tragedy illustrates the need to properly enforce our laws.

“It also sheds light on the real consequences in every community across the country of our national failure to secure the border and enforce commonsense immigration laws.”


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