Nesbitt blasts Dem bills to funnel more tax dollars into global corporations, harm Michigan small businesses

Nesbitt blasts Dem bills to funnel more tax dollars into global corporations, harm Michigan small businesses

LANSING, Mich. — Senate Republican Leader Aric Nesbitt, R-Porter Township, on Tuesday issued the following statement after Democrats passed a package of partisan bills to further harm small businesses in Michigan:

“Families and small business owners continue to struggle across our state, and Democrats in the Legislature continue to kick them while they’re down. Instead of working toward real solutions to grow Michigan’s economy and encourage prosperity, Senate Democrats after already repealing Right to Work, resurrecting Prevailing Wage, and guaranteeing higher energy costs have chosen to play a name change game of three-card monte to create even more special tax carve-outs for large corporations right on the heels of raising taxes on small businesses last year.

“Once again, the Democratic majority is putting big corporations over struggling families picking winners and losers by handing over millions of Michigan tax dollars to global corporations in secret back-room crony business deals. These tax dollars should be going back into the pockets of the hardworking Michigan taxpayers who actually need economic relief. Instead, we find ourselves taking one more giant step backward toward another Lost Decade of failed Granholm-era economic policies. The people of Michigan cannot afford to repeat history.”



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